Pets are the original life/work balance helper: so yes, we have some social media. We’ve gots the Insta and the FB, an ongoing love/hate relationship with Googs and no, we don’t always look at all of it. We’d never ignore you on purpose…but the telephone and the email is how to get in touch with us, as old school as that may be now.
Thing is, sometimes people do say nice things about us on the internet too so it’s only polite to say thank-you. So thank you!
6 Oct 2021: Pooch & Harmony gave us a lovely shout out, but actually we got started in 1996. And it’s true: we really will special order anything we can lay our hands on for you!
21 July 2021: Hey Catsitter Toronto! Thanks for the mention!
11 Mar 2021: Top of the list for those trend-setters at Style Democracy. Thanks!
18 Feb 2019: BlogTO and we made the top ten! Also, picture features a favourite furry visitor.
October 2017: Happy to help, Project Paws.
And apparently this is our favicon:which is something we picked but I currently couldn’t tell you when or how 🙂