Tag Archives: COVID-19

These are unusual times…

[16 Dec 2022] Our customers have been incredibly supportive since this started and we are very grateful to you all.  It’s hard not to be anxious but as Chris Hadfield says, understand the actual risks. We will continue to do what we can to stop COVID-19 from spreading beyond our health care system’s ability to treat those who may suffer the worst outcomes from infection.

We continue with in-store shopping. Yes, mask & hand sanitize on entry BUT ALSO continue to call at 416-504-1265 or email us to place your order in advance when possible to minimize “inside” time…because vigilance is warranted.  Our options to pick up at curb-side OR to use our home delivery services are still going strong too, whatever is most comfortable for you.  Prepaid pick-up OR contactless debit/credit and cash payment options at the door are also available; (prepaid) home delivery orders also still going out the door ever Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

IF the door is locked, please knock/ring the bell, we’re likely getting something from downstairs, and we’ll be with you ASAP.